The French community network for research into Polyhandicap/Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (PIMD)
The PolyRENE network (Polyhandicap French REsearch NEtwork) brings together a mixed research community focusing on Polyhandicap/Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (PIMD). This research network is aimed at all those involved in the field (research, care, medico-social support, associations and families).
Discover the networkNews
New publications and mediations/vulgarisations !!!
Dear readers New publications and mediations/vulgarizations have just been added to our website. To consult PolyRENE Publications To consult the […]
PolyRENE meeting
We are pleased to announce our second PolyRENE meeting, dedicated to research into multiple disabilities, in the form of a […]
New mediations/vulgarizations!!!
Dear readers New mediations/vulgarizations have just been added to our site. You can consult them here
New calls for projects open!
Dear readers, New calls for multi-disability projects are now open. You can consult them in our section“Calls for multi-disability projects“.
Launch of the PolyRENE website
The PolyRENE network website has opened its doors. Don’t hesitate to share it with others. Some pages have […]
Events calendar
16th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress
Paediatric Neurology is a leading discipline. Combining the fascination for the child and the children's brain, it is located in […]