PolyRENE meeting

Dear member of our community,

We are pleased to announce the opening of a call for papers within the framework of the PolyRENE project for a meeting dedicated to research within the framework of a webinar!

This event will take place on Thursday November 21 from 4pm to 6pm. It will bring together experts, researchers and professionals in the field of multiple disabilities. This call for papers concerns research projects on multiple disabilities.

We invite you to submit your work and share your progress at this meeting. Papers may take the form of oral presentations or flash posters.

We are asking for your participation and your contribution to make this meeting a rich and stimulating event for the end of 2024!

To submit your paper, please send us an abstract of your work (maximum 350 words) to the following address

The deadline for submission of papers has been extended to July 1, 2024. We encourage you to submit your abstracts as soon as possible so that we can select speakers in good time.

A prize will be awarded for the best communication.

We’re looking forward to bringing the whole community together and meeting you again for enriching exchanges and sharing about multiple disabilities!

Please confirm your participation via this link: https: //evento.renater.fr/survey/rencontre-polyrene-ppzbto8p

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: contact@polyrene.fr

Webinar organization team