The 10 teams involved in the PolyRENE research network are working on 6 main objectives.
1. Structuring joint and collaborative research on multiple disabilities
Operational objectives
- Monitoring calls for projects (AAPs) related to multiple disabilities.
- Organization of a call for ideas session to propose the co-construction of research projects by bringing together the different profiles of teams and partners.
- Offer methodological and editorial support as needed.
2. Optimizing the visibility of multiple disabilities
Operational objectives
- Implementation of the PolyRENE website: choice of service provider, architecture structuring, content construction, updating, choice of keywords.
- Choice of a logo to visually identify PolyRENE.
- Implementation of a search directory.
3. Innovative scientific communication on multiple disabilities
Operational objectives
- Publications: monitoring, distributing, making available, popularizing and archiving.
- Fast, modern communication networks (twitter), themed Webinares sessions, Massive Open Online Courses MOOC on multiple disabilities, newsletter.
- Publication call sessions, co-authorship of scientific articles.
- Setting up publication/authorship rules.
4. Partner meetings (dedicated days)
Operational objectives
- Organization of annual days dedicated to research on multiple disabilities, bringing together all partner teams: 2 days are planned over a 36-month period.
- Organization of a call for papers (oral and poster) dedicated to these days.
5. Provision of tools
Operational objectives
- Disseminate tools (scales, protocols) specifically developed for people with multiple disabilities or not specific to multiple disabilities but used in everyday practice.
- Identify the need for new tools.
- Building new tools.
6. Initiation of the third iteration of the Eval-PLH cohort
Operational objective
- Implementation of the 3rd evaluation phase of the Eval-PLH cohort (recruitment planned for 2025-2026). This will cover administrative, regulatory and organizational procedures, as well as the stages prior to recruitment.