In: Philippe Camberlein ed, La personne polyhandicapée. La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner.
Paris, Dunod, “Guides Santé Social”, 2021, p. 1299-1313. DOI : 10.3917/dunod.colle.2021.01.1299.
Rousseau, M.
Chapter 72. Research: three studies from the Éval-PLH cohort; a study on “polyhandicap and Covid-19
The Éval-PLH cohort of 875 people with multiple disabilities was set up in 2015 by the public health team at the Timone Hospital in Marseille, with the general aim of identifying the medical, socio-economic, environmental, family, socio-cognitive, emotional and behavioral determinants of the health status and quality of life of patients with multiple disabilities and their caregivers, by studying both so-called natural caregivers and institutional caregivers. Please refer to chapter 71 of this book for an overview of this cohort and a review of the articles published about it.
The results of four studies carried out as part of this cohort are presented in this book: those on the quality of life of carers are presented in chapter 35 of this book; those on: the performance of the French care system in managing multiple disabilities; the impact of childhood multiple disabilities on parents’ experiences; the health status and characteristics of adult and ageing multiple disability patients are presented below in this chapter.
Current events in 2020 have led us to add, at the end of the chapter, the initial conclusions of an ongoing study, based on an online questionnaire widely distributed to doctors working with people with multiple disabilities, on multiple disabilities and Covid-19.The chronic nature of the state of health of people with multiple disabilities implies a management approach offering the specific medical care required, while also taking into account the social and educational dimension in order to offer them a coherent, adapted and integrative life project…