- Keyword : Article scientifique
Impact of caring for patients with polyhandicap on institutional health care workers’ quality of life: a cross-sectional and longitudinal evaluation
Rousseau MC, Beltran A, Hamouda I, Aim MA, Felce A, Lind K, Khaldi N, El Ouazzani H, Auquier P, de […]
Health status of individuals with polyhandicap across a 5-year follow-up period
Rousseau MC, Hamouda I, Aim MA, Anzola AB, Maincent K, Lind K, Felce A, Auquier P, De Villemeur TB, Baumstarck […]
Importance of health indicators: Update for people with polyhandicap
Baumstarck K, Hamouda I, Beltran A, Del Luca S, El Ouazzani H, Rousseau MC. No abstract available
Mortality in French people with polyhandicap/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
Hamouda I, Baumstarck K, Aim MA, Beltran Anzola A, Loundou A, Billette de Villemeur T, Boyer L; EVAL‐PLH group; Auquier […]
Équipe mobile douleur handicap déficience intellectuelle 0-25 ans (MoDIDol) : une démarche innovante qui rencontre depuis un an, enfants, familles, et professionnels
Philippe Le Moine, François Insogna. Douleurs Évaluation – Diagnostic – Traitement 25 (2024) 148—153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.douler.2024.03.003 Résumé La douleur chez les […]
Impact of spinal fusion on severity health status in scoliotic adolescents with polyhandicap.
Bessaguet H, Rousseau MC, Gautheron V, Ojardias E, Dohin B. PLoS One. 2024 Mar 7;19(3):e0300065. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300065. PMID:38451892; PMCID: PMC10919586. […]
Development and initial validation of a screening tool for visual ability/performance of people with polyhandicap
Rousseau MC, Challe G, Charbonnier S, Jacquier MT, Valkov M, Tourbier V, Lemaire S, Guilluy E, Khaldi-Cherif N, Nkam L, […]
Health care management adequacy among French persons with severe profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: a longitudinal study
Baumstarck K, Hamouda I, Aim MA, Anzola AB, Khaldi-Cherif S, Felce A, Maincent K, Lind K, Auquier P, Billette de […]
La question orthopédique dans la globalité du suivi thérapeutique de l’enfant polyhandicapé
Alain Jouve. Motricité cérébrale. 44 (2023) 153–158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.motcer.2023.10.001 Résumé La prise en charge du trouble orthopédique de la personne polyhandicapée […]
Parents’ experiences of parenting a child with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in France: A qualitative study
Aim MA, Rousseau MC, Hamouda I, Anzola AB, de Villemeur TB, Milh M, Maincent K, Lind K, Auquier P, Baumstarck […]
Polyhandicap, profound intellectual multiple disabilities : Concept and definition of a highly specific public health issue
Rousseau MC, Winance M, Baumstarck K. Polyhandicap, profound intellectual multiple disabilities : Concept and definition of a highly specific public […]
Development and initial validation of the quality of life questionnaire for persons with polyhandicap (PolyQoL)
Hamouda I., Rousseau MC., Aim MA., Beltran Anzola A., Loundou A., De Villemeur TB., Auquier P., Baumstarck K. Ann Phys […]
Regards croisés sur le polyhandicap : de la création du terme aux représentations actuelles
Tafforeau, M., Pouyfaucon, M., Tessiot, C., Van Bogaert, P., Dinomais, M., & Richard, I. Motricité Cérébrale, Volume 7736, Issue 3, […]
The French EVAL-PLH cohort of persons with polyhandicap
Hamouda I., Rousseau MC., Beltran Anzola A., Aim MA., de Villemeur TB., Auquier P., Baumstarck K.; EVAL-PLH group. Sci Rep. […]
Impact of an intensive multimodal educative program on behavioral disorders of polyhandicapped patients: A randomized controlled trial
MC Rousseau, E Guilluy, J Leblanc, D Willocq, AC Demoures, L Carteron, F Boury, C Jospin, A Rousseau, K Baumstarck, C Brisse, V Tourbier, S Roussel, M Montil, T Simon, T Billette de Villemeur Arch […]
Health care of persons with complex developmental disabilities from 3 European experiences: France, Italy, and Norway
Rousseau MC., Dagois JF., Lausecker C., Humbertclaude E., Dominique A., Hamouda I., Auquier P., Billette de Villemeur Th., Baumstarck K. […]
Clinical characteristics of the covid-19 infection in polyhandicapped persons in france
Rousseau MC, Hully M., Milh M., Juzeau D., Pollez P., Peudenier S., Bahi Buisson N., V. Gautheron V., French PLH […]
Development and initial validation of the polyhandicap severity scale
M-C Rousseau, K Baumstarck, I Hamouda, M Valkov, A Felce, S Khaldi-Cherif, C Brisse, A Loundou, P Auquier, T Billette de Villemeur, French Polyhandicap Group. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2021 Jun;177(6):683-689. […]
Impact of severe polyhandicap cared for at home on French informal caregivers’ burden: a cross-sectional study
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Valkov M, Felce A, Brisse C, Khaldi-Cherif S, Loundou A, Auquier P, Billette de Villemeur T, […]
Health issues in polyhandicapped patients according to age: Results of a large French cross-sectional study
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Khaldi-Cherif N, Felce A, Valkov M, Brisse C, Loundou A, Auquier P, Billette de Villemeur T, […]
Le parcours de santé et la prise en charge de la personne polyhandicapée en Italie et en Norvège
Rousseau M.C., Humbertclaude E., Lauksecker C., Dagois JF., Billette de Villemeur T. Éthique et santé.2019; 16(3): 100-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.etiqe.2019.06.005 Résumé Introduction […]
Health characteristics and health care trajectory of polyhandicaped person before and after 1990
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Auquier P, Billette de Villemeur T. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2020;176(1-2):92-99. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2019.04.009. Abstract Introduction: Polyhandicap is defined […]
Polyhandicap and aging
Rousseau MC, Billette de Villemeur T, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Loundou A, Baumstarck K, Auquier P, French Polyhandicap […]
Impact of severe polyhandicap on parents’ quality of life: A large French cross-sectional study
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Moheng B, Loundou A, Billette de Villemeur T, Auquier P, […]
Adequacy of care management of patients with polyhandicap in the French health system: A study of 782 patients
Rousseau MC, Billette de Villemeur T, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Baumstarck K, Auquier P, French Polyhandicap Group. PLoS […]
Impact of caring for patients with severe and complex disabilities on health care workers’ quality of life: determinants and specificities
Rousseau M.C., Baumstarck K., Leroy T., Khaldi-Cherif C., Brisse C., Boyer L., Resseguier N., Morando C., Billette De Villemeur T., […]
Evaluation of quality of life in individuals with severe chronic motor disability: A major challenge
Rousseau MC., Baumstarck K., Billette de Villemeur T., Auquier P. Intractable & rare diseases research 2016, 5(2):83-89. doi: 10.5582/irdr.2016.01017 Abstract […]
Quality of life in patients with locked-in syndrome: Evolution over a 6-year period
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Alessandrini M, Blandin V, Billette de Villemeur T, Auquier P. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2015 Jul […]
Aetiologies, comorbidities and causes of death in a population of 133 patients with polyhandicaps cared for at specialist rehabilitation centres
Rousseau MC., Mathieu S., Brisse C., Motawaj M., Grimont E., Auquier P., Billette de Villemeur T. Brain Inj. 2015;29(7-8):837-42. doi: […]
Valproic acid-induced encephalopathy in very long course treated patients
Rousseau M.C., Montana M, Villano Ph , Catala A, Blaya J, Valkov M, Allouard Y, Bugny E. Brain inj. 2009 […]
Risk factors for deep venous thrombosis in tetraparesic mentally retarded patients
Rousseau MC, Guillotel B. Brain Inj. 2001 Dec;15(12):1041-4. doi:10.1080/02699050110088236. PMID: 11712950. Abstract Objectives: The risk factors and incidence of deep venous […]
Association between pulmonary and digestive infections in patients receiving gastric acid-lowering medications for a long duration
Rousseau M.C., Blaya J, Catala A. Brain Inj. 2003 Oct;17(10):883-7. DOI: 10.1080/0269905031000089378. Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of pulmonary and digestive […]
Syndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi : hypertrophie mammelonnaire
Rousseau M.C., Tachji K. La Revue Neurologique.2000;156:12,1161. PMID: 11139736 © 2000 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.