Rousseau MC, Billette de Villemeur T, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Baumstarck K, Auquier P, French Polyhandicap Group.
PLoS One. 2018 6;13(7):e0199986. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199986. eCollection 2018.
Background: The aims of this study were 1) to describe the health profiles and care management of polyhandicapped patients according to 2 modalities, specialized rehabilitation centers (SRC) and residential facilities (RF), and 2) to estimate the adequacy of care management of these patients.
Methods: This was an 18-month cross-sectional study including patients with a combination of severe motor deficiency and profound intellectual impairment. The patients were from 4 SRC and 9 RF. The following data were collected: sociodemographics, health status, care management, and adequacy of care management.
Results: A total of 782 patients were included: 410 (52%) were cared for in SRC and 372 (48%) in RF. Global objective adequacy (health severity and age category) was higher for patients cared for in SRC compared with patients cared for in RF (57 vs. 44%, p< = 10-3). Global subjective adequacy (self-perception of the referring physician and request of change in structure) was higher for patients cared for in SRC in comparison with patients cared for in RF (98 vs. 92%, p< = 10-3).
Conclusions: This study provides key elements of adequacy of care management modalities for polyhandicapped patients in France.
Trial registration: NCT02400528.