Definition Polyhandicap decree of May 9, 2017 “Persons presenting an early cerebral dysfunction or one that occurred during development, resulting in serious disturbances with multiple and evolving expressions of motor, perceptual, cognitive efficiency and the construction of relationships with the physical and human environment, and a situation of extreme physical, psychic and social vulnerability during which some persons may present, transiently or durably, signs of the autistic series.”
Definition Polyhandicap PNDS “severe and multiple handicaps – absence of autonomous walking, no meaningful oral language, profound intellectual deficiency – These impairments of a developing brain have progressive consequences throughout life: neurological, orthopedic, digestive, respiratory, sensory and other disorders. Behavioral disorders are common, as are pain-related phenomena. The perceptive, sensitive and affective capacities of these people, their skills and their appetite for communication must be taken into account to optimize care and quality of life.
Definition Polyhandicap HAS Situation of vulnerability caused by a severe brain lesion on an immature/developing brain, generally before the age of 2 ” and “ irreversible nature ” of polyhandicap. Refers to PNDS: severe and multiple handicaps (absence of autonomous walking, no meaningful oral language, profound intellectual impairment).
Common base :
Lesion on a developing development
Fixed or progressive etiologies
Severe mental and physical impairment / total dependence on others