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Colloque de l’Association Des Carrés dans des Ronds ” Polyhandicap, apprentissages et scolarisation ” (Multi-disability, learning and schooling)

14 April, 2023 - 15 April, 2023

The Association des Carrés dans des Ronds organizes its 1st symposium: Polyhandicap, apprentissages et scolarisation at the théâtre des deux rivières in Lanester (56). National and international experts in the field of disability from various sectors – medical-social, education, research, etc. – meet to present their work on learning for people with multiple disabilities.

Conferences, round tables , testimonials, etc. will be scheduled during the event. In the presence of Mélodie BOURGER-BOUVERET, Thania CORBEIL, Catherine DEROUETTE, Caroline FAFCHAMPS, Lydie LAURENT, Albane PLATEAU, Louis VALLÉE, Marie VOISIN DU BUIT, Anne-Laure ZILLIOX, Sabine ZORN et Esther ATLAN, Joanna GRACE, etc.

This event is in line with the association’s missions and those of its ScoPoly Resource and Support Center.

With the support of

Agence Régionale de la Santé

, l’

Académie de Rennes

Morbihan Departmental Council,

Lorient Agglomération

and the
Association de Kervihan.

The event is organized in association with the “Gestion des entreprises et administrations” department of the IUT de Vannes, Université de Bretagne Sud, as part of a tutored project.

Congress date and location:
Lanester, France, April 14-15, 2023


14 April, 2023
15 April, 2023
Event Category:


Rue Jean Paul Sartre, 56600 Lanester
Théâtre des 2 Rivières, Rue Jean Paul Sartre,
Lanester, 56600 France
+ Google Map


Association des Carrés dans des Ronds