- Articles in non-refereed journals
- Book chapter
- Mediation/Education
- Poster Communication
- Scientific article
Scientific publications
The articles listed below have been translated into French and popularized by members of the PolyRENE network.
Parental work and care trajectories related to polyhandicap: Initial results from qualitative interviews with parents
Aim, M.-A., Rousseau, M.-C., Hamouda, I., Beltran Anzola, A.A., Billette de Villemeur T., Milh M., Maincent K., Lind K., Baumstarck, […]
Quality of life of parents of people with severe polyhandicap: a large French cross-sectional study
Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Moheng B, Loundou A, Billette de Villemeur T, Auquier P, […]
Quality of life for people with multiple disabilities: initial validation of PolyQol
Hamouda I., Rousseau MC., Aim MA., Beltran Anzola AA., Loundou A., Billette de Villemeur T., Auquier P., Baumstarck K. 31st […]
Perspectives on multiple disabilities: from the creation of the term to current representations
Tafforeau, M., Pouyfaucon, M., Tessiot, C., Van Bogaert, P., Dinomais, M., & Richard, I. Motricité Cérébrale, Volume 7736, Issue 3, […]
Current representations of multiple disabilities: interviews with French players involved in multiple disabilities
Tafforeau, M., Pouyfaucon, M., Tessiot, C., Van Bogaert, P., Dinomais, M., & Richard, I. Motricité Cérébrale, Volume 7736, Issue 3, […]
Home care for people with multiple disabilities and the exhaustion of informal caregivers
Rousseau, MC., Baumstarck, K., Valkov, M., Felce A., Brisse, C., Khaldi-Cherif, S., Loundou, A., Auqiuer, P., Billette de Villemeur, T., […]
POLYMIME Project – Negotiating Parenting Practices and Identities in Situations of Multiple Disability: Qualitative Interviews with Parents
Aim, M.-A., Hamouda, I., Beltran Anzola, A.A., Rousseau, M.-C., Baumstarck, K., & Dany, L. 37th SOFMER Congress (French Society of […]
POLYhandicap: the PolyRENE community research network
Rousseau MC., Hamouda I., Gautheron V., Milh M., Peudenier S., Billette de Villemeur T., Rea C., Maintcent K., Tezenas du […]
Multiple disabilities, communication and communication aids – Communicating differently
Chapter 17 of the book “La personne polyhandicapée – 2e édition : La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner”. P. Camberlin and […]
The orthopedic question in the overall therapeutic follow-up of the multihandicapped child
Alain Jouve. Cerebral motricity. 44 (2023) 153-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.motcer.2023.10.001 Mediation/Education : The multihandicapped child, suffering from brain damage, presents two types […]
The healthcare pathway and care for people with multiple disabilities in Italy and Norway
Rousseau M.C., Humbertclaude E., Lauksecker C., Dagois JF., Billette de Villemeur T. Éthique et santé.2019; 16(3): 100-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.etiqe.2019.06.005 Summary Introduction […]
Multiple disabilities: concept and emerging definition
In the magazine: Rééducation Orthophonique – N° 280 – Le grand handicap Directed by Laura Licart, speech therapist Rousseau M.C.
Polydisability, a profound intellectual disability: concept and definition of a specific public health issue
Rousseau MC, Winance M, Baumstarck K. Polyhandicap, profound intellectual multiple disabilities: Concept and definition of a highly specific public health […]
Multiple disabilities, a special type of handicap
Chapter 1 of the book “La personne polyhandicapée – 2e édition : La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner”. P. Camberlin and […]
Lived experience and family impact of polyhandicap: preliminary results of interviews with parents
Aim MA, Dany L, Hamouda I, Beltran Anzola AA, Rousseau MC, Baumstarck K. 36th SOFMER Congress (French Society of Physical […]
Lived experience and family impact of polyhandicap: preliminary results of interviews with parents
Aim MA., Hamouda I., Beltran Anzola AA., Rousseau MC., Baumstarck K., Dany L. 31st Congress of the SFNP (French Society […]
Siblings and (multiple) disabilities
Chapter 23 of the book “La personne polyhandicapée – 2e édition : La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner”. P. Camberlin and […]
Study on the follow-up of people with multiple disabilities in France: EVAL-PLH cohort
Hamouda I., Rousseau MC., Beltran Anzola A., Aim MA., de Villemeur TB., Auquier P., Baumstarck K.; EVAL-PLH group. Sci Rep. […]
Etiologies, co-morbidities and causes of death in a population of 133 patients with multiple disabilities treated in specialized follow-up care and rehabilitation centers
Rousseau MC., Mathieu S., Brisse C., Motawaj M., Grimont E., Auquier P., Billette de Villemeur T. Brain Inj. 2015;29(7-8):837-42. doi: […]
Impact of a child with multiple disabilities on parents’ experiences: a cross-sectional study
Rousseau MC., Baumstarck K., Hamouda I., Valkov M., Lenormand S., Felce A., Loundou A., Auquier P., Billette de Villemeur T. […]
Evaluation of botulinum toxin management in multihandicapped adult patients
In the magazine: Le Journal de l’orthopédie. 2014 ; 15 (52) 2383-6. Rousseau.M.C., Nadji M, Billette de Villemeur T.
The orthopedic question in the overall therapeutic follow-up of the multihandicapped child
Alain Jouve. Cerebral motricity. 44 (2023) 153-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.motcer.2023.10.001 Summary Management of orthopedic disorders in people with multiple disabilities has evolved […]
Assessing quality of life in subjects with severe motor impairment: a major challenge
Rousseau MC., Baumstarck K., Billette de Villemeur T., Auquier P. Intractable & rare diseases research 2016, 5(2):83-89. doi: 10.5582/irdr.2016.01017. Mediation/Education […]
Quality of life scale for people with multiple disabilities
Hamouda I., Rousseau MC., Aim MA., Beltran Anzola A., Loundou A., De Villemeur TB., Auquier P., Baumstarck K. Ann Phys […]
Mobile Pain Disability Intellectual Disability Team 0-25 years (MoDIDol): an innovative approach that has been bringing together children, families and professionals for the past year.
Philippe Le Moine, François Insogna. Pain Assessment – Diagnosis – Treatment 25 (2024) 148-153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.douler.2024.03.003 Summary Pain in disabled children […]
Development and validation of the polyhandicap severity scale
M-C Rousseau, K Baumstarck, I Hamouda, M Valkov, A Felce, S Khaldi-Cherif, C Brisse, A Loundou, P Auquier, T Billette […]
Chapter 72. Research: three studies from the Éval-PLH cohort; a study on “polyhandicap and Covid-19”.
In: Philippe Camberlein ed, La personne polyhandicapée. La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner. Paris, Dunod, “Guides Santé Social”, 2021, p. 1299-1313. […]
Adequacy of care for patients with multiple disabilities in the French healthcare system: A study of 782 patients
Rousseau MC, Billette de Villemeur T, Khaldi-Cherif S, Brisse C, Felce A, Baumstarck K, Auquier P, French Polyhandicap Group. PLoS […]
Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 infection in people with multiple disabilities in France
Rousseau MC., Hully M., Milh M., Juzeau D., Pollez B., Peudenier S., Bahi-Buisson N., Gautheron V., Chabrol B., Billette de […]
Chapter 3. How does multiple disability differ from other childhood handicaps?
In: Handicaps de l’enfant (2nd edition). Brigitte Chabrol, Isabelle Desguerre. Collection “Progrès en pédiatrie”, 2020, p. 27-36. ISBN elec: 978-2-7040-1658-7. […]
Chapter 34. The impact on support and care teams for people with multiple disabilities
In: Philippe Camberlein ed, La personne polyhandicapée. Paris, Dunod, “Guides Santé Social”, 2017, p. 613-628. DOI: 10.3917/dunod.ponso.2017.01.0613 Rousseau, M. & […]
Chapter 71. Research and multiple disabilities
In: Philippe Camberlein ed, La personne polyhandicapée. La connaître, l’accompagner, la soigner. Paris, Dunod, “Guides Santé Social”, 2021, p. 1273-1297. […]